David Gault
David Gault qualified at Edinburgh University, trained in Plastic Surgery in London, and gained further experience in Paris, California and Japan. He was Consultant Plastic Surgeon at Mount Vernon Hospital, Northwood, Middlesex and The Hospital for Sick Children, Great Ormond Street, London, England, and Honorary Senior Lecturer at University College, London. A Visiting Professor, he set up the UK’s first ear reconstruction centre almost thirty years ago.
A talented artist and sculptor, he specialised in the early correction of birthmarks in children and is an international authority on laser surgery and the surgical and non surgical correction of ear deformity.

David Gault developed EarBuddies™ when one of his own children was born with a misshapen ear. EarBuddies™, splints which correct most ear deformities in babies, are now used by Parents and Professional Fitters worldwide . The Royal College of Surgeons have recommended that all families are made aware of splinting early, so that minor deformities can be corrected quickly, avoiding teasing and surgery in later life.
His advances in surgery for ear deformity have permitted better results with shorter procedures and less risk.
In a combined project with the Swansea Institute, he developed the first Depilation (hair removal) Laser, and worked with Rhytec on Plasma Skin Regeneration technology to improve the appearance of ageing skin. He designed an extravasation technique to flush-out noxious chemotherapy drugs when they leak out of veins, an innovation which saves a number of limbs each year.
David Gault has written over 160 academic publications, and was a regular faculty member and invited speaker at international meetings.

- Past Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Cosmetic and Laser Therapy
- Past Member, Medical Research Committee, Restoration of Appearance and Function Trust (RAFT)

- Medical Research Council, French Exchange Fellow (1987)
- Ethicon Travelling Scholarship (1987)
- Wellington Foundation Scholarship (1989)
- BAPS Travelling Bursary (1990)
- Arnold Huddart Medal, The Craniofacial Society of Great Britain (1990)
- Certificate of Educational Merit (BMA) for film “Extravasation Injuries” (1991)
- Certificate of Special Merit, World Federation of Physical Therapists 1991 for film “The Hand”
- Daily Star “Gold” Award 1992 (Reconstruction of the “Samurai Sword” Policeman, Rob Window)
- Merit Award, National Health Service (July 1996)
- Hackett Prize, BAAPS (December 1996)
- Contributor to Principles and Practice of Head and Neck Oncology (2003)
Winner of George Davey Howells Memorial Prize for most distinguished published contribution to the advancement of Otolaryngology during the preceding five years. - CC Wu Visiting Professorship, Chinese University of Hong Kong (2004)
- Merit, Surgery Team of the Year, Hospital Doctor Awards (2005)
- Rowing, painting, planting
- Edinburgh University VIII and IV
- Record Breaking Row along Loch Ness
- Gold Medal Coxed Fours, BUSF 1974
- Men’s VIII, Scotland 1974